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Our Journey of 2019, Until Now…

On the second year of the Gender Equality Leadership in the Canadian Private Sector project, we have been working on different aspects of the project. We have prepared an update about what our team has been working on this year.

Advancement of our Blueprint

  • Maturity Model: To give a more individualized experience with the blueprint, we are working on developing a model to help businesses determine where they are in the journey towards gender equality.
  • Additions and Modifications: Based on insight from our participating companies, we are working on adding new sections, including “Internal Communications” and “Built Environment”.
  • The Case for Gender Equality in the Workplace: After engaging in several meaningful discussions at the Symposium of Women and the Workplace, we were reminded that the case for gender equality is more than the business case. We have decided to integrate both the moral case and the business case to create The Case for Gender Equality in the Workplace.

06 May 2019

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