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Nada Khan

Manager, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 50 – 30 Challenge,

Nada (she/her) is an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) specialist who has professional and academic experience in promoting diversity, equity and human rights in the private sector. Nada is currently a EDI Manager for the UN Global Compact Network Canada’s Ecosystem Partner project supporting the 50-30 Challenge funded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. This project is designed to build a more inclusive, resilient and competitive economy by providing the necessary tools and resources to achieve gender parity (50%) and significant representation (30%) of other under-represented groups including racialized persons, Indigenous people, people living with disabilities, and members of the LGBTIQ2S+ community on corporate boards and in senior management positions. She deploys a holistic approach dedicated to advancing equity diversity and inclusion past the point of representation and into an equitable workforce that is dedicated to empowering and supporting all employees.

Nada prioritizes emotional intelligence and reflecting thinking as the cornerstones of growth and equity based advancement in all environments. Furthermore, her experience focuses on mental health awareness, leadership, and EDI development.

Nada has a double specialized honors degree in Human Rights and Equity Studies and International Development Studies with a specialization in gender and culture from York University. She advocates for self-awareness and empathy, and believes this is a foundational component to creating change within ourselves and the world around us.

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